
While we don't expect most users of our SDK to run into these issues, we document edge cases here.

Use the information in this page to help answer these questions:

  • "What do I do if scope data is leaking between requests?"
  • "What do I do if my transaction has nested spans when they should be parallel?"
  • "What do I do if the SDK has trouble sending events to Sentry?"
Addressing Concurrency Issues
Context Variables vs Thread Locals
Context Variables vs gevent/eventlet
Network Issues
Multiprocessing deprecation after Python 3.12
Why was my tag value truncated?

Why am I not seeing any profiling data?

Why aren't recurring job errors showing up on my monitor details page?
Why are my monitors showing up as failed?
Why am I not receiving alerts when my monitor fails?
What is the crons data retention policy for check-ins?
Do you support a monitor schedule with a six-field crontab expression?
Can I monitor async tasks as well?
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